Hey all, so I’ve been using CC and absolutely loving it, but last night I ran into a couple bugs and I’m not entirely sure what caused them. The first one I ran into had to do with Anime Mode. A couple people tried activating it and the icon would pop up into the top right corner of the CC overlay box, however it would not trigger. Other redeems worked fine, it seemed to be specific to Anime Mode. I added a clip where anime mode “queued” but didn’t trigger.
Anime mode clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/BashfulKnottySashimiBCouch-izrm2yDQVYB9Oo7y
The other, and far more annoying issue, is on the screen flip redeem. It seems when the screen is flipped via CC, the game loses focus and my controller becomes useless until I click on the screen. This would be fine if I were playing M&K but with a controller, in the midst of a difficult fight or another situation, not being able to have any inputs register in game is awful to have happen. I’ve included a clip of this one as well.
Screen flip: https://clips.twitch.tv/FaintBovineDogFreakinStinkin-DGuktZSMmANvbtGd
I’m unsure if these are bugs or if it’s just something that I’ve done wrong, but I would love to know if there is a way to rectify this as both of these redeems are my favourites. Any advice or help would be tremendous!