How to mod Mario Maker

Here is some direct info to doing the modding that have been exploring and enjoying. This is how to make the game be all funky by visuals and music. At your own risk whether you try it but it’s been great fun so far playing with new visuals and music. You can load your own music yes if you have it in the file format of bfstm.

(Must have installed Homebrew channel first)


  1. All the files in the dropbox link needs to be on the root of the SD Card

  2. A folder needs to be created on there again at the root of the SD Card either called 000500001018DC00 (USA/Canada) or 000500001018DD00 (Europe)

  3. Copy within sysNAND folder ‘fw.img’ to root of SD card

  4. Copy the content of chosen mod ‘model and sound’ folders into the numbered (0050001018D–0) folder

  5. Load via loadiine site CFW Booter first and then when done booting and returning to Wii U menu, proceed to load SD Caffine, proceed to load game

Homebrew Wii U channel (Need 2gb sd card) -

How to load SMM mods -

Demo of visual + music mods -

Where to gather visual mods -

Tutorial of how to make your own visual mods -

P.S Yes you can upload a thumbnail of a level with a visual mod active but that probably makes you a instant target for star or account deletion.


Finally getting to do this Conker! I am excited. Thanks for the link.

1 Like

This is what I was missing! thank you for updating your post! you’re the best! :slight_smile:

Update: It works! thanks!

1 Like is a forum of people making visual mods where you can check out all sorts of mystery costume / modded themes