Idea: If the queue is closed, then when people type !queue, it should say “The queue is closed”, unless they’ve submitted a level, then it should show the regular response. Frankerfacez shows it, but a lot of people still don’t have frankerfacez…
I haven’t seen that happen. I don’t even see any code checking if level submissions is open/closed. Can you include what bot you are using?
This is mostly in response to people who randomly come into a stream and type !queue and then !add, even when the streamer has a queue closed or isn’t taking viewer levels. I’m just offering a suggestion to get the !queue command to tell them that submission is closed quickly.
someone just joining the stream may genuinely want to know what levels are in the queue without wanting to submit one themselves. A simple compromise would be to have the !queue command spit out [open] or [closed] before the list of levels/link
I thought this was an issue not a feature request. Yeah, I think having the status seems good. I’ll try to work this out soon.