Level Submission Delay

Hello everyone,

just seeing if anyone can answer this, just set up warp world to work via nightbot on twitch, just wondering if somehow there is a setting that lets you delay initial level submissions by a minute, just want to have a delay because most people go to my stream and in the first couple of seconds submit a level then just leave the stream, kind of annoying, is this possible to do through warp world or should i search elsewhere?

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So you want to track users in chat, and then if they have been in for a minute allow them to submit a level?

This wouldn’t be possible without some changes, it’s not a bad idea by any means. But I think it would have to be a Warp Bot exclusive bot with the way it works. We don’t have the power to track every user in the chat and so having the data sent to the server and validated would be a lot of extra work. However, building this into Warp Bot could be possible and wouldn’t require any extra server work.

I’ll look into this and see if I have time this week to build it out.


if you can do it then great if not then no worries, appreciate all the hard work you do!

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