Hey everyone! Mega Man maker is about to be released in about 6 hours from this post. https://mega-maker.com/
I managed to reach out to the developers before my flight took off for Taiwan and got to talk to them. They provided me with enough information to be able to code in some “BASIC” Warp World support to accept levels from viewers on your stream. It is very basic support right now. But users can add levels and see their place in the queue.
This project started less than 8 hours ago, so I’m just happy that I was able to get as much of this done as possible. I also forgot the charger for my laptop so I’m typing this with about 30% battery life left, which isn’t too bad!
Anyways, if you are interested in using Warp World with MegaMan Maker, I suggest you go on over to https://warp.world/megaqueue. This is where you levels will get added to. If you need help setting up there is a link on that page but I’ll paste it here too. http://warp.world/megaman/
Those instructions were written before this post incase I didn’t have enough battery life but you should be able to find out what you need to do from those instructions.
Otherwise, there is still a lot missing but this should help anyone trying to stream viewer levels for MegaMan maker. If you have any questions feel free to try and reach out to me but the best way to get a response would be to post here and or use the Warp World Discord https://discord.gg/HYkmSCN.
Have fun everyone!