Just a list of suggested ideas. I apologize for any grammatical errors.
-Add as many potion effects as possible
[EX. poison, slowness, blindness, ETC]
-Give milk bucket to cure said potion effects
-Give golden apples.
-Invert WASD?
-Destroy armor
-Destory offhand / Drop offhand
-Give / Take, EXP
-Destroy Inventory
-Make spawn slime actually large slime, always spawn small slime does not attack.
-Display in chat who changes day/night. Currently for me it does not do so [bug ?]
-TP to spawn does not work and takes peoples coins. I had to disable it. [bug]
I can’t think of anything else, but im curious if anything else is in the works, ive been having a lot of fun streaming Minecraft with crowd control.