Multi-queue "Create First Queue" stuck

Hi all. I’m trying to get multi-queue going, and I’m totally stuck on this step. I’m logged into with my Twitch account. I click on the multi-queue page and then “get started”. On the next page the “create first queue” dialog box opens. I enter a title, I enter the game title, and then click submit.

This is where I get caught in a loop. As soon as I hit submit, I get a split second box saying queue created, and then the “create first queue” box pops up again.

I can not get past this step in the set up. I’ve tried it on Firefox and Chrome. I’m not sure what else to do.

Any suggestions for a fix would be wonderful. Thanks!

Thanks for the report. Can you verify you’re putting a valid title and game? That is usually the issue, I’ll investigate while you check that out.

I had put SMM2 as title, and clicked on Super Mario Maker 2 for the game many times previously. And of course, this time is seems to have worked! Idk. Thanks for your quick response!

It’s how it always works. Glad it’s working out now!

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I had the same issue my first time through and a page refresh made it happy.

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i’ve the same problem with my first queue