Multi Queue page does not show in XSplit

The page url: does not show on screen in xsplit, but does show in obs. It appears that the bot does not load either since commands do not work. I’m using the latest version of xsplit 3.8.1905.2102

I currently have no scenes with the old warp world bar.

Thanks for reporting. This is a known issue at this time and we are working on a fix!

Hey, give this another try! Looks like we got a fix.

Looks like its working now! Thanks for getting back to me. For some reason though, the default font doesn’t seem to be loading. If it helps, I actually have press start 2p installed on my pc and maybe causing some problems? Other fonts work ok and using that as a workaround.

That’s another issue we are currently tracking. For some reason just that font seems off. We recommend using another one for the time being.