Multi-queue "Session: null"

I’ve been using WarpBot for a few weeks now and it’s worked fine, marking sessions as days of the week and such. Today though; when I went to start the days session, I realized I forgot to end the previous session so it still said Friday when today was Monday. When I clicked [End Session], it changed from “Session: Friday” to “Session: null” and the [End Session] button is still there, nothing happens when I click it.

To go along with this when someone tried to add a level it gave an error about code format but after removing the WarpBar browser source in OBS Studio and re-adding it, codes started being added again without error. It still continues to not let me close this “null” session though and I’d very much like to be back to marking them as days of the week.

Another thing I noticed was my WarpBar said there were 2 levels in queue when really there was only 1 - which makes me think that when the code format error happened, the code still entered the queue but I can’t see it perhaps? It was only 1 level code that was entered while the error was happening, then the 2nd was after it started working again and at that point is when I saw 2/50.

We’re looking into this now. Thanks for reporting it.

The sessions is now fixed.

The queue bug is still being looked into but shouldn’t cause any issues with the count. It’s been self correcting in most cases.