Now that we have this forum we can easily read your feature requests and implement them if we feel they are a good update to the site. @qbrainn recently had asked for the ability to allow users to resubmit completed levels. This feature is fairly simple and so we implemented it quickly. We even added the ability for you to allow levels that were skipped to be resubmitted as some users skip to move on and would like to see the level again.
Both of these new features are live and if you want to take advantage of them, just go on over to your page and check the boxes if you want them to be enabled!
If you have any ideas or suggestions for features be sure to use the #warp-world:features-requests category! Not all features will be implemented this quickly and in some cases we may have to decline an idea. But the best way to get something implemented is by posting there and sharing the link to get others to chime in and ask for it as well!