No "Accepted Reply" Sent from Nightbot on YouTube

I’ve only recently begun to notice as issue via Nightbot on YouTube. When a viewer does the command, !add with their course ID, the level does reach my queue, however Nightbot does not send the default accepted reply message, @{submitter} Your level {levelname} was entered, which is rated {diff}! Thank you for your submission!, after the level is accepted into the queue.

If a viewer on YouTube just enters the command, !add, without a course ID attached, Nightbot will reply with the default submit reply message without any problem.

If a user runs the same command on Twitch, !add with a valid course ID, Nightbot does reply with the default accepted message.

Any ideas on anything I can try to fix this?

Thank you!

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Youtube only allow messages to be max 200 characters, while twitch allows 400. If it is greater than 200 youtube eats the message all together. The default response when adding a level is quite long, you could try shorten your replies in the settings.


I had no idea until you mentioned it that the character limit for each service is different. I’m sure that explains what is happening then.

I currently have the max number of submitter and creator submissions set to 1.

I just noticed now that after someone does an !add with the course ID, the Nightbot auto response is:
@{submitter} Your level {levelname} was entered, which is rated {diff}! Thank you for your submission!You have now reached the max amount of levels submitted. Wait until one is completed to submit more!

I didn’t realize that the “Max Levels 2 Reply” of “You have now reached the max amount of levels submitted. Wait until one is completed to submit more!” was being appended automatically to the end of “Accepted Reply” bot response. When that does happen, it looks like the character limit more of then not is over 200.

Is there any way to not have the “Max Levels Replies” not automatically be appended at the end of the “Accepted Reply” response.

I’m guessing my current options would be to either modify or completely remove the text from the “Max Levels Replies” or increase the number of submissions.

Thanks once again for the fast reply and informing me of the character limits.

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For now, just remove it :slight_smile: