StreamElements chat bot integration?

Hey there,

Is it possible to use the StreamElements chat bot for the Warp World commands? I have used the NightBot version of the command in the StreamElements chat bot, and it obviously doesn’t work (just returns “Sorry that level doesn’t seem to exist! Check your code again!”)

The main reason I would love to use the StreamElements bot is so that I can use my loyalty currency in order to facilitate level submissions, rather than hard-enforced limits.

Cheers for the assistance.

You can 100% use that bot. It sounds like your syntax is just off a bit. I’m not familiar with their bot as much, but I know users have used it in the past.

Try something like this, but of course replace it with your key.


maybe even


Those seem to be getting me the same result, but I appreciate the response. I’ve found it’s able to check correctly whether the queue is closed as it returns the relevant error, it just seems to be stuck on getting level information for some reason as it thinks every level doesn’t exist. Typing the command with no level code would usually get the “To submit a level just type !add xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx” response, but instead gives “Sorry that level doesn’t seem to exist! Check your code again!” instead.

I’m not too familiar with this side of things myself so I feel a bit helpless, I’ll see if there’s anything I’ve missed in my searches, I can’t seem to find much info on stream elements command syntax.

I’ve found a list of streamelements command arguements in the dashboard. I think the issue is that the level code is not being sent to the warp world API at all.Perhaps queryescape or pathescape is needed. I’ll have a tinker tomorrow.

Variable Description Example Result
${args} Command arguments denoted by one or more digits !channel ${1} streamelements DatSheffy
${args.emote} Only works if input is an emote !cmd Kappa Kappa
${args.word} Only works if input does not have symbols in it !cmd StreamElements StreamElements
${:} Arg range, end is optional ${1:} message after command
${} Outputs the Body in plain text ${} Outlook good.
${queryescape} URL query escape user input$(queryencode $(1:))
${pathescape} URL path escape user input${pathescape ${1}}🅱

That should be what is needed to add the levelcode. Use ${1} as the argument, my example had it as “$args” but you’ll want to replace it with “${1}”.

That worked, thanks a bundle for your help.