Using Botisimo for Warp World Commands?

I was wondering if using Botisimo would work for Warp World commands?

I have viewed the Botisimo response variables here:

I did end up trying to use this as the !add command: $(fetch$(username)&levelcode=$(query)) however, after !add is typed in chat, Botisimo responds with [Error: Bad Response Status “406”]. Does this mean that Botisimo is not compatible or is there just a problem with my syntax?

Thank you.

We have looked into this before but it appears to be something on Botisimos end. They are sending a header that is messing with CloudFlare and we are not able to change the way that works.

Thank you for the reply, Jaku.

I am currently speaking to the creator of Botisimo, OtotheA, in their Discord server in regards to this error 406.

They have a few follow up questions, that I’m hoping you can answer.

  1. What does this api return? 406 means they don’t return data in the format requested. I believe we request text/plain;text/html;application/json

  2. What header are we sending that is breaking it?

OtotheA also said, “Interesting that it’s cloudflare related as we also use cloudflare” and “If you can figure out what the specific issue is I will fix it”.

This is the response that I am currently using to test with in Botisimo for the !add command: $(fetch$(username)&levelcode=$(urlencode $(query))) I still receive the following reply from Botisimo after typing !add (with no level code after it) into one of my chats: [Error: Bad Response Status “406”]

I’m gonna close this as we are in talks with them on the Discord now. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I’ll update the status of this after the talks.