Using Save Editor With Crowd Control

Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read this. I am using Crowd Control and playing Pokémon FireRed for charity (with Tiltify extension). I am giving viewers the choice of their own Pokemon to play as, however, I am using a save editor to hack in the Pokemon of people’s choosing while still using Crowd Control.

Crowd Control still works as intended and I’m just putting in the Pokemon that people want (since some mons can’t be gotten in a specific version and have to be traded in). Just wanted to make sure this was okay and I wasn’t breaking any rules or anything with charity stuff by modifying the save. I’m just editing in Pokemon that people want to use in the game. I’m probably being a bit paranoid but I figured I’d double-check.

Thank you for your time!

You’re fine! Do what you want with your save and game.

Good luck with your stream and have fun raising for charity!

Awesome! Thank you so much, that really means a lot. I wanted to make sure I customized the experience for my viewers. I suppose I don’t need to reach out and ask Tiltify about that, correct? Again, thank you for your time!