Warp world for fussbot / multistream

Is there any way to use warp world with fussbot on YouTube?

Also, is there any way to use warp world with both YouTube and Twitch at the same time? I have seen someone do this.

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Never heard of fussbot. Looking at the documentation it looks like it could work with Warp World.

Check out - https://fussbot.io/documentation/commands-variables.php specifically the $URL(http://…) part. You could copy the commands for NightBot but use $URL instead of the one for nightbot, and just replace the other variables with fussbot based variables.

Users of nightbot can have it work on Twitch and YouTube at the same time.

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I got it working with fussbot for YouTube. I just had to edit $(urlfetch to $URL( , and change $user to $AUTHOR (fussbot’s way of of responding to the person who sent the message). I also got warpbot working for twitch.

Thanks for the help.

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Sorry, I know this is an old topic, but I wanted to add info for Fussbot. Fussbot very often ignores users for seemingly no reason when they type commands. I’ve worked with it and the Discord channel, but it just seems like some users will never get a response from Fussbot if commands are typed. Even though Fussbot is my primary bot, I have to use Nightbot for the queue to work consistently.