Warpbot not responding to commands

Hey guys! So, I’ve been having trouble getting my warp bot to work. I’m sure it’s completely user error so maybe someone could steer me in the right direction. I created a bot twitch account called t4ked4chat, to go with my stream account t4ked4, and got the oath code for it. I entered the key html into my xsplit broadcast and could see the warp bar the way I had designed it. Had it open and thought everything was good but when users enter !add there is no response. Any ideas on what I’m missing? Thanks.

Hey, Is the new bot modded? Try with just the WarpWorldBot and see if you get the same result.

I may have misspoke. I made a new twitch account to link my warp world bot to because that’s how I interpreted the instructions. I’m not using any other bot but warp world. I then join my stream with my other twitch account that’s linked to the warp bar. Am I supposed to link the warp bar with my actual stream account?

You can use another account to handle bot messages if you like, to make it more custom, but I would just stick to the default. You can disconnect your bot from the ‘Twitch Bot’ page where you added it. You want it to look like

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Ok, thank you. I think I have my warpbot connected to my chat account and not my stream account. Makes sense that it wouldnt work. Only problem now is that it’s not letting me disconnect from my chat account. Thank you for your help!

also, how can I delete my account on this site? I think I was supposed to use my main account, not this t4ked4chat account but whenever I log out of the site it auto logs me back into this account. Ive even tried to clear all my forms and passwords but no luck.

You have to go to your connections on Twitch and remove the link. https://www.twitch.tv/settings/connections.

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