Why does Warp World need a 2nd Twitch account?

I honestly don’t understand why someone needs to create a second empty Twitch account for this Bot to work. It’s weirder when it seems that you’d use Nightbot previously.

What if Person A wants to sign up on Twitch, but realizes that the name he wants to use is taken by an empty account that uses this Bot? Person B who set up this bot with that name doesn’t even use it, if I understand correctly. Also I’m not really sure if those empty accounts are benefiting Twitch as well.

Please don’t take this the wrong way. I’m just wondering because it seems really strange to me. If I understand it wrong, please enlighten me on this subject.

There are plenty of Twitch names to go around. Most streamers like to customize their stream as much as possible and this includes their botname. Usually bot names would be something like “JakuBot”, so it’s not really an issue of “running” out of names. This is fairly common on Twitch and other streaming services. User B, would be using their “bot” for anything mulitqueue related, so it wouldn’t be for nothing.

Also, this service/bot does not require a second Twitch account unless you want to use a custom name like I mentioned above. If you don’t link a Twitch account it uses “WarpWorldBot”, which is similar to Nightbot but works with our stuff and is easier for us to make changes/updates and has 0 extra setup for you.

We never “used” Nightbot, but it was available as a option for users to use on Mario Maker and MegaMan Maker queues. The multiqueue system is completely different from that and with that we moved away from the old system and integrated our bot code into multiqueue to make it an easier user experience.

Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for the quick reply.

I personally don’t mind the standard name. If I don’t need a second account for this bot to work and for viewers to be able to add their levels to the queue, how would I do that? I can’t seem to find a solution to that.

Multiqueue is a different queue from Mario Maker queue. Multiqueue can use WarpWorldBot, but does not work for the Mario Maker queue.

You are able to use Nightbot with this as you mentioned, going to the Bot Command page, https://warp.world/botcommands find the part where it mentioned using an existing bot, and click the text that says “clicking here”. That will give you the commands for other supported bots like Nightbot.

Okay, that seems to work. Thank you very much for your help. :smiley: